Living in Vienna you get acquainted with this roast from day one. You simply can’t say no to such a good looking, yummy tasting tender piece of meat, served with sauerkraut and bread dumplings.
Place the meat skin down on a tray with a bit of water. Add some coarsely chopped red onions in the water. There is no need to add spices and salt since the meat is cured.
Roast it like this for 30 minutes at 170°C / 338°F then you take it out, turn it skin up and score it. Use a sharp knife for scoring the skin, cutting about 1 cm deep.
Baste the meat with the juices from the tray and put it back to roast for another hour.
Press 2-3 garlic cloves and mix them with ground pepper. After one hour has passed, baste the roast again and stuff the garlic pepper mix between the skin squares.
Roast for another 30 minutes or until a fork goes through the meat with little effort.
That’s it, now the skin is caramelized and chewy, meat is tender and easy to slice. Serve with sauerkraut and bread dumplings (Semmelknödl) or simply with mashed potatoes and green salad.Enjoy! :)