Beef Soup
First time we made this soup I was surprised at how good it tasted and how easy to make it was. You need just a few ingredients and the result is hearty, tasty and very filling. You will be amazed by how easy it is to make this soup. Heat up the butter in aRead More

Keto Chicken Soup
Quick and easy to make, this delicious chicken soup is also keto friendly.

Keto Pumpkin Soup
Seasonal hearty and delicious Pumpkin Soup is also keto friendly.

Milk Soup
The soup is incredibly tasty and so easy to make. The pieces of fried pork fat, give it a nice crunch and flavor. A simple, yet delicious soup recipe, that will leave you feeling all warm and tingly inside. I know you probably think, how can milk be used to make soup, weird right? IRead More

Mushroom Soup
Fast and easy to make, full of mushroom flavor that is simply delicious. Mushroom soup was one of my favorite soups as a child. Some of the weekends in autumn, we would all go to the woods and look for mushrooms. And it is so relaxing to go mushroom picking. Fresh air, just you andRead More

Quick and Easy Fish Soup
This soup is very fast and easy to make. Can be done with just a few ingredients, and the best part, you don’t need to use the whole fish, just the heads and tail, and keep the best parts for second course. My dad loves fishing. In the region where he lives, there are aRead More

Russian Borsh
Borsh in Russia is a very common soup. You can find it in every restaurant and cafe. It originated in Ukraine. My mother always told me stories of how when her grandmother was making borsh, you can stick a spoon in it, and the spoon will stand. Prepare the broth. Place the beef bones withRead More

Russian Split Pea Soup
Rich and full of flavor this delicious and easy to make pea soup is perfect for a rainy day.

Simple Chicken Broth
Very simple and fast to make, this chicken broth can be used in numerous dishes, from soups to stews, risottos and so on. With just a few ingredients and 30 minutes of time, you can have a delicious and versatile chicken broth. Place chicken backs or wings (or any type of chicken pieces you desire,Read More

Simple Chicken Soup
Easy to make chicken soup is always good. This soup is simple and tastes delicious. For times when you have colds or just feeling under the weather, this soup will brighten your day and make you feel better. Place the water in a medium – large pot over medium – high heat. Place the chickenRead More

Sweet Potato Cream Soup
Very easy to make, this creamy and delicious sweet potato cream soup, will make you want to come back for more. All you need is just a few ingredients and 30 minutes of time. If you are making your own broth, prepare the broth. I used home made chicken broth for this recipe. Wash, peelRead More